Human Development Center

West South Central Workforce Planning and Assistance

Medicaid While Working — Section 1619(b)

After you return to work, your Medicaid coverage can continue, even if your earnings (alone or in combination with your other income) become too high for an SSI cash payment..

To qualify, you must meet all of the following qualifications:


If you are not working above SGA and are eligible for a benefit payment for the 37th month, you will continue to be eligible for benefits until you:

Your benefits will end if you work above SGA after the 36-month re-entitlement period. However you may be able to start your benefits again if you stop work within the next 5 years.

The 2021 SGA levels are $1,310.00 per month for non-visually impaired recipients and $2,190.00 per month for visually impaired recipients. The EPE applies only to individuals who receive SSDI cash benefits.

For a complete explanation go to SSA Online and view the Redbook section or contact your local Benefits Planner by calling 1-866-YOURTICKET (1-866-968-7842).

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