Imani Johnson headshot

Imani Johnson

What are your past/current experiences working in the field of disabilities, allied health, education, or school?

Before entering graduate school, I worked over a year as a behavioral analyst at the Center for Autism and Related Disorders, a nationally recognized organization providing applied behavioral analysis to children of all ages and of all ranges of the autism spectrum. During my undergraduate career and beyond, I held many positions providing support and care for school-age children in many diverse settings. I have been a coach and camp leader for a variety of youth programs with school-age children. I have also worked with school-age children in the educational setting as a substitute teacher. I subbed classrooms from kindergarten to high school, including special education classes. Most recently, I worked at the Early Learning Center at LSU’s Human Development Center as a teaching assistant. There, I worked with young children, prior to entering preschool where I helped with their daily routines, including assistance with social skills, play, and feeding.

What are your goals for your Interprofessional Preparation experience?

My goals for the IPP program are to develop a deeper knowledge of child healthcare, disability, and development so that I may advocate for children with disabilities, help children develop the skills they need to become functional and independent, and to establish a foundation to become a professional that will help children to reach their greatest potential. I am also looking forward to collaborating with other students and professionals in the field as this will help me develop a broader sense of awareness that I will gain through engagement with those with diverse perspectives and ideas. My final goal is to build a strong professional network by attending engagement activities and conferences during this program, and hopefully even getting my proposal accepted to a conference as well.

What do you wish to contribute as a future Related Service Provider &/or Special Education Teacher?

As a future Related Service Provider, I wish to address health inequities in these disadvantaged populations/communities. I hope to use first-hand knowledge gained from this program in order to advocate better for students with disabilities and more deeply understand laws and policies that affect those whom I am working with. As a result, I will be able to maximize the success of all my students and clients ensuring that they have the best support, treatment and advocacy on all fronts.