Campbell Sullivan headshot

Campbell Sullivan

What are your past/current experiences working in the field of disabilities, allied health, education, or school?

In the past, I was employed as a caregiver for children with physical disabilities and neurodevelopmental disorders. I served as an occupational/physical therapy technician for a pediatric outpatient clinic specializing in cerebral palsy and reflex integration. I am currently enrolled in the occupational therapy program here at LSUHSC, where our coursework this semester will focus on pediatric therapies.

What are your goals for your Interprofessional Preparation experience?

My goals for this experience include gaining knowledge of specific advocacy strategies in the school setting, learning how to best support diverse student populations, and broaden my experience with the school environment.

What do you wish to contribute as a future Related Service Provider &/or Special Education Teacher?

I wish to contribute a unique perspective and wholehearted empathetic services to those I will work for as a future Related Service Provider. I am autistic and have chronic illnesses, so I hope to advocate for an accommodating and inclusive school environment for all the children I will work with and for.