
Search for the Next Superintendent of Schools for NOLA Public Schools

Magnifying glass with focus on paper

Provide your feedback in the search for the next Superintendent of Schools for NOLA Public Schools. The Orleans Parish School Board is hosting virtual input sessions for the community to provide feedback on the qualities they would like to see in the next NOLA-PS Superintendent. The Board is seeking an individual who will continue to build on the success of the current system while also leading the District forward through identifiable opportunities.

The remaining sessions are listed below:

If you are unable to attend the virtual session, you may provide your feedback here:

About the Orleans Parish School Board

NOLA Public Schools are governed by the Orleans Parish School Board. The Orleans Parish School Board is a government body comprised of seven elected officials, each of whom represent a portion of Orleans Parish. The board meets monthly as a full board at its business meetings, and in smaller committees that make recommendations to the full board. Committees include Accountability, Policy, Budget/Finance, Property, and Legal/Legislative. These meetings are free and open to the public. More information about board meetings, board policies, and related documents can be found here.