FEMA Assistance for Marco and Laura

Louisiana has been approved for a major disaster declaration for Emergency Protective Measures (Category B). (More information can be found on FEMA’s website at: www.fema.gov.)

FEMA’s Region 6 (which includes Louisiana) Disability Integration team members will provide support to its disability partners throughout Louisiana to ensure that the needs of people with disabilities, including access and functional needs, are incorporated throughout disaster operations.

To register for assistance, call the FEMA Helpline: 1-800-621-FEMA or 1-800-621-3362, or go to: https://www.disasterassistance.gov/

National Disability Institute Releases New Research Brief: Race, Ethnicity and Disability

National Disability Institute (NDI) has prepared a new research brief: Race, Ethnicity and Disability: The Financial Impact of Systemic Inequality and Intersectionality. This unprecedented time has also increased the disparity in economic status and opportunity available to people that are Black, Indigenous or People of Color (BIPOC) with disabilities. This brief shares a historical context for understanding intersectionality, the financial impacts on BIPOC individuals with disabilities and presents a set of conclusions and recommendations that should involve all of us as individuals, families, organizations, institutions and government. The most financially vulnerable population in America is the group of individuals that live at the intersection of disability, race and ethnicity.

2020-2021 Cohort for the Interprofessional Preparation for Related Services Personnel Scholarship Program

Maya Leslie, a Xavier University graduate student, was recently accepted into the 2020-2021 cohort for the Interprofessional Preparation for Related Services Personnel scholarship program. (See Xavier University news article link below.) The Interprofessional Preparation for Related Services Personnel grant is funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, with LSU Health Sciences Center, School of Allied Health Professionals acting as a liaison for scholarship recipients. One student from University of Louisiana Monroe and two students from Tulane University were also accepted into the program along with six graduate students from the School of Allied Health Professions at the LSU Health Sciences Center. 

The one-year program is completed in tandem with the scholars discipline specific graduate training program and prepares the scholars for careers in their chosen professions within educational environments.

View Article Here

LATAN Announces New Program, Stand Up Louisiana

Standing frames, also known as standing technology or standing devices, are an assistive technology that can be used by a person who relies on a wheelchair for mobility. The standing frame supports the individual in a standing position. The use of the device promotes a better quality of life for those living with paralysis. Benefits include improved respiratory function, blood pressure, and circulation, as well as increased muscle strength.

Louisiana Assistive Technology Access Network (LATAN) is excited to announce a new program, Stand Up, Louisiana! Stand Up, Louisiana allows people of all ages living with paralysis to learn more about standing frames by providing standers on a temporary basis. If there is an interest in keeping the stander after the trial period, then LATAN will assist in securing permanent ownership.

On average, standing frame costs can range from $2,000 to $8,000 and are often not covered by health insurance. LATAN is removing that cost barrier with the Stand Up, Louisiana program with the hopes of offering not only trial access, but ownership. LATAN is removing that barrier with the Stand Up, Louisiana program with the hopes of offering not only trial access, but ownership.

We can provide demonstrations, training, and technical assistance to users, family members, caregivers, and rehabilitation professionals.

Stand Up, Louisiana is supported by a grant from the Christopher & Dana Reeves Foundation.Contact Tiffany Johnlouis or Cynthia Cox for more information and to request referral forms. You can fill out our online form, send us an email at info@latan.org, or call us at 800-270-6185.

The Feeling Through Experience

Welcome Everyone!

Join us for a live stream of The Feeling Through Experience – the groundbreaking screening event featuring the first film to star a DeafBlind actor. It will be followed by the documentary that describes how the film came to be made and a live panel discussion where the audience can ask questions and share their impressions. Mark your calendars for an excitng event! This is part of the Florida Film Festival. Please share and register to be part of this event!

Thanks so much and hope to see you Thursday!

Emily Taylor-Snell

Florida and Virgin Islands Deaf-Blind Collaborative

Date: Thursday, August 13

Time: 4pm – 6pm PT/7pm- 9pm ET  Sign up for your FREE e-ticket at feelingthrough.com/register

The Florida Film Festival Livestream of The Feeling Through Experience featuring Doug Roland, Creator, The Feeling Through Experience; Robert Tarango, Lead Actor, Feeling Through; Divya Goel, Vice President, DeafBlind Citizens in Action; and Emily Taylor-Snell, M. Ed., Project Coordinator, Florida and Virgin Islands Deaf-Blind Collaborative

Survey on Deaf Alumni with Varying Vision Levels

This survey is being sent on behalf of the Special School District (SSD) to learn more about the experiences of individuals who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing with varying vision levels (usher syndrome, low vision, etc), to help us gather information and improve services for students. Please watch this video in ASL for more information,  https://youtu.be/kaCLpZzwtaI

Here is the link to the survey, https://bit.ly/3ijGL14. Thank you for your participation.


Natasha Aymami, MA, COMS, NIC, Ed:K-12



Communication Webinar

The Montana Deaf-Blind Project will be hosting two webinars on communication competencies with Philip Schweigert this August! Please view the details and registration information at this link: https://conta.cc/3gIHlo2  and/or on the attached flier.  This is a FREE opportunity that you are welcome to share.

CHARGE Research Study

Please see the attached flyer for information about a research opportunity for parents/guardians of individuals with CHARGE syndrome.

5 Effective Modeling Strategies for English Learners

Providing English learners—and all students—with examples of how to do learning tasks is particularly useful during distance learning.

Read the full article here.

Deaf Community Award Leader Nominations Now Open

Hamilton Relay’s Deaf Community Leader Award is currently looking for nominations! Help me to make sure that the Deaf leaders in your community get recognized for their hard work and achievements!

Have a wonderful day,

T. Bobbye Abney | LA Outreach Coordinator | Hamilton Relay

C: 225-937-8553 | Tami-Rae.Abney@hamiltonrelay.com | www.hamiltonrelay.com