Kristie Curtis

Kristie Curtis

I am a single mother of 3 boys, 18-year-old son with a Dual diagnosis of Trisomy 21/Down Syndrome and Autism, 13-year-old son diagnosed with Hypotonia, and 12-year-old son diagnosed with ADHD, Anxiety, and a Learning disability. I am my son’s number 1 teacher and advocate. Professionally, I am the Community Outreach Specialist for Families Helping Families of Acadiana and Early Steps, as well as the LaCAN leader for region 4.

My goals for my LEND training experience include learning from the many other LEND leaders and trainees, gaining new perspectives and sharing my perspective. I hope to increase my knowledge and understanding as well as help others to understand from the family perspective. I also hope to gain more knowledge and understanding of advocacy and how to get more self-advocates involved in advocacy.

My wish for my future role as a professional and advocate is to contribute what I can from my experiences, in hopes that my contributions make the path or journey easier for families in the future. I want to give back and help families like mine to understand their rights and to find resources, services, and supports in the community.