Human Development Center

PAY Check

Are you interested an hiring a PAY Check intern?

Two young adults dressed professionally smile in office. Host an intern and be a part of the work readiness success story for high school students!

PAY Check seeks employers in the New Orleans Metro Area to host high school students for a 10-week internship.

Wage Reimbursement

PAY Check interns are paid a wage with employers receiving wage reimbursement for 240 hours over ten weeks.

Wage reimbursement is equal to the student's salary + 9.33% for social security, Medicare, and unemployment taxes.

Employer Participation Opportunities

Worksite Visits

Help participants understand how your business runs. 1-2-hour visits with 2-3 participants at a time.

Job Shadowing

Allow participants to shadow your employees on a typical work day. Participants accompanied by a PAY Check Transition Specialist. 4-hour visit with one participant at a time.

Paid Internship

Hire a participant for an internship. 20-25 hours/week up to 10 weeks or 240 hours.

Job Placement

Hire a participant as an employee! Part- or full-time.



Email Sue Killam to hire a PAY Check intern:


Young man dressed in nice slacks and a button-down shirt is ready for work at a restaurant.Recent PAY Check employer partners include:



See PAY Check Interns in action!

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2021 12:07:01 PM

Take a look at some of PAY Check's internships and work placements: