Neha Ahmed headshot

Neha Ahmed

What are your past/current experiences working in the field of disabilities, allied health, education, or school?

Throughout my years as a student, I tutored peers with disabilities in all subjects. In recent years, I volunteered in an afterschool tutoring and mentorship program for school-aged children. These experiences have fostered a sense of responsibility for the vulnerable populations in my community.

What are your goals for your Interprofessional Preparation experience?

The IPP program provides experiences that will allow me to effectively operate in care teams. As a counselor for people with disabilities, I will need to build my professional communication skills to provide the best care for my clients. My goal is to enter the workforce with knowledge and experience that are usually only acquired after many years of service.

What do you wish to contribute as a future Related Service Provider &/or Special Education Teacher?

As a future mental health counselor, I hope to give people with disabilities a better quality of life by taking a holistic approach to their well-being.