Madison Humphries headshot

Madison Humphries

What are your past/current experiences working in the field of disabilities, allied health, education, or school?

I attended Louisiana Tech University and while completing my undergraduate degree I worked at a daycare center with children between the ages of 2 months-3 years. I learned so much working with these babies. They taught me patience, love, and time management. I love working with children and watching them explore new environments and learn new skills every day. My favorite part is telling the parents about their child and all they accomplished throughout the day.


What are your goals for your Interprofessional Preparation experience?

My goal for the Interprofessional Preparation experience is to expand my knowledge of working with children with disabilities, while working with other disciplines. I am also excited to learn about patient-centered care in a collaborative manner.


What do you wish to contribute as a future Related Service Provider &/or Special Education Teacher?

I wish to contribute transparency, friendliness, and compassion to families as a future related service provider. I want to contribute these three things, because families will be putting their trust in me as an Audiologist, and I want them to feel comfortable during appointments and know I am giving them the best possible care.