Madalyn Caldwell-Roark headshot

Madalyn Caldwell-Roark

What are your past/current experiences working in the field of disabilities, allied health, education, or school?

I worked as a Sign Language Interpreter for Deaf/HH students for a few years and then graduated with my undergraduate and decided to pursue becoming a Hearing-Impaired teacher. This career allows me to work with students that may have partial hearing or significant hearing loss. I am a Child of Deaf Adults (CODA), so my love for the Deaf/HH community is strong. I am excited to work with students that may need the extra accommodations to help them achieve academic success.

What are your goals for your Interprofessional Preparation experience?

The goals that I hope to experience and learn would be how to implement regular/general education practices in a way for Deaf/HH students can understand and benefit from. Being able to observe other students in different classroom settings can help allow me to learn various ways of teaching styles could work for me.

What do you wish to contribute as a future Related Service Provider &/or Special Education Teacher?

I hope to contribute love and compassion over anything to my students. I want to make sure that these students understand that they are important no matter the condition they have. Deaf/HH students deserve to have the help and support to allow them to strive for success as any other general education student. I want to build lifelong connections and watch these students achieve their dreams while I am simply their steppingstone for success!