Little Bitty Learning is getting famous!

On December 14, Lisa Staples, an HDC LEND trainee who works with HDC Nutrition Ambassador Lauren Griffiths to apply Cooking Matters lessons at HDC Early Head Start center McMillian’s First Steps, was featured in a post in the Albert Schweitzer Fellowship’s Beyond Boulders Blog, “Making nutrition fun again in New Orleans.” Staples implements the lessons learned in Cooking Matters courses as part of a program implemented at McMillian’s that is entitled Little Bitty Learning (LBL). The program thrives on student volunteers recruited through the Interprofessional Student Alliance (IPSA) as well as partnerships with Second Harvest and the Tulane University School of Public and Tropical Health Dietetic Internship. The program has not only succeeded in its main goal of encouraging (grand)parents to cook healthy meals for their (grand)children, but it also has had many fortunate side effects, including engaging the children in healthy eating, piquing the curiosity of the staff at McMillian’s, and strengthening family bonds.

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