HDC forms Plain Language Task Force

Inspired by advocates at the 2022 AUCD conference, HDC creates a Plain Language Task Force to make our information more accessible.

Will Johnson smiles with two thumbs up standing next to Jolie Robichaux holding her right thumb and document in plain language document in her left hand. Behind them is a white board with the text written in bubble letters: "Plain Language Task Force."
HDC’s Will Johnson (left) and Jolie Robichaux (right) make up the Plain Language Task Force.

Plain language, please!

It’s important to us that Human Development Center (HDC) resources and information are accessible to everyone. Administrative Coordinator Wilbert Johnson and Outreach Coordinator Jolie Robichaux joined forces to create a Plain Language Task Force! They’re first plain language product is a recruitment packet for HDC’s Constituent Advisory Committee (CAC).

The Plain Language Task Force’s current focus is making the HDC website easier to navigate. They also summarize HDC articles. Look out for the purple textboxes that feature the article’s key points in plain language.

A screenshot of a light purple textbox with bold text that reads: " Key points in plain language
Here is a brief description of big ideas coming up in this article." Then below the bold text is other text that reads: "HDC went to the AUCD Conference in Washington, D.C. last November. HDC is a University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD). A UCEDD is a part of the Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD). The AUCD Network is made up of university centers across the United States. The university centers work across a lot of different fields to improve life for people with disabilities."
An example of the Plain Language Task Force’s Key Points textboxes. This example can be found in this article: https://www.hdc.lsuhsc.edu/news/hdc-at-aucd-2022/

To the Point! Videos making HDC news easier to understand

The Plain Language Task Force will now bring you monthly videos to highlight our recent news.

Help us make HDC more accessible!

If you see an HDC resource or webpage that is too complicated, let us know by completing the request form below. You can also request other accessible services like braille, large print, or audio description in the request form.